Tuesday 20 October 2009


(click on photo for youtube channel)
CHARTJACKERS is a new documentary series on BBC SWITCH, which follows 4 guys who are popular on youtube try to get a song to number one, without their own input. They ask youtube viewers of their own channels to contribute lyrics, video ideas, people who play instruments/sing or any editing experience to make a song that will hopefully get up to number one. All the money from the single will go to BBC Children in Need.
I began watching this last weekend and i recognized Charlie McDonnell from youtube (click on photo for youtube channel)

and i thought it would be a good idea to watch for my own entertainment and to see what shots and angles are being used in the documentary and how we could develop that and put it into our own.

compared to the NYLONTV interviews i previously blogged about, the shots switch from colour to black and white, which seems quite effective when talking about a serious matter. from learning last year, an extreme close-up communicates detail to an audience, so having this shot in our documentary could be effective to show emotion.

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