Wednesday 14 October 2009


Obsessive Love + Facebook.
facebook obsession and peadophiles are in the news lately and it would be a good idea to focus in on the safety of teens and young adults.
Crazy Love documentary traces obsessive love affair, and airs on Sundance, YouTube
“The award-winning and compelling documentary Crazy Love is being broadcast on YouTube until the end of this month, thanks to the Sundance Channel, which debuts the film on TV Saturday at 10 p.m. ET. The 2007 film is also on DVD.
Dan Klores’ documentary—which debuted at Sundance in 2007, won best documentary at the Independent Spirit Awards, and gathered several best documentary nominations—traces the obsessive, violent love affair between Burt Pugach and Linda Riss Pugach, and includes interviews with both and others.
Sundance notes that “from the late ’50s through the ’70s, New York tabloids fed on the lurid and bizarre tale of lawyer/stalker Burt Pugash and his obsession with Linda Riss, a young working-class woman whose life was forever changed by” her relationship to him.
They’re compelling characters and people; just try to start watching the film below and they—and their incredible, shocking story—will draw you in.”
even though this story happened during the 1950’s and facebook or even the internet wasn’t invented then, the story of obsessive love was still broadcasted in the newspapers. this goes to show that even though we are in an ever-evolving age of technology many people use and abuse it.

The Film’s Website:
We have found out that there is a stalker check on facebook and here is a site to find out how the application works:

however the website ( claims that the problem comes when the person that is stalking you tries to leave no trace (which is usually the case).

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