Wednesday 21 October 2009


instead on focusing on relationship obsessions, we as a group decided to focus on whether facebook is a good thing or a bad thing to be obsessing over and the reasons why.

Tuesday 20 October 2009


(click on photo for youtube channel)
CHARTJACKERS is a new documentary series on BBC SWITCH, which follows 4 guys who are popular on youtube try to get a song to number one, without their own input. They ask youtube viewers of their own channels to contribute lyrics, video ideas, people who play instruments/sing or any editing experience to make a song that will hopefully get up to number one. All the money from the single will go to BBC Children in Need.
I began watching this last weekend and i recognized Charlie McDonnell from youtube (click on photo for youtube channel)

and i thought it would be a good idea to watch for my own entertainment and to see what shots and angles are being used in the documentary and how we could develop that and put it into our own.

compared to the NYLONTV interviews i previously blogged about, the shots switch from colour to black and white, which seems quite effective when talking about a serious matter. from learning last year, an extreme close-up communicates detail to an audience, so having this shot in our documentary could be effective to show emotion.



This questionnaire is based on Girls point of view as she love to go on facebook and meet and talk to her friends nevertheless she does not know all her contact on facebook and spend 3 hours a day on facebook.


This is a male questionnaire he has a good interest on Facebook and he spents time on facebook but does not go on Facebook a lot. he is aware of the disadvantages of Facebook and he is sure that he knows all his contact on Facebook

Monday 19 October 2009



Tells the astonishing story of the obsessive roller-coaster relationship of Burt and Linda Pugach, which shocked the nation during the summer of 1959. Burt, a 32 year-old married attorney and Linda, a beautiful, single 20 year-old girl living in the Bronx had a whirlwind romance, which culminated in a violent and psychologically complex set of actions that landed the pair’s saga on the cover of endless newspapers and magazines.
This shows how a real life love obsession was during the 1950s. obviously facebook or the internet was invented so it have us the insight on what had to be done to stalk someone. now with the access of social-networking sites almost in every home, it has become a lot easier for someone to see what you are up to and where you are.

Wednesday 14 October 2009


Obsessive Love + Facebook.
facebook obsession and peadophiles are in the news lately and it would be a good idea to focus in on the safety of teens and young adults.
Crazy Love documentary traces obsessive love affair, and airs on Sundance, YouTube
“The award-winning and compelling documentary Crazy Love is being broadcast on YouTube until the end of this month, thanks to the Sundance Channel, which debuts the film on TV Saturday at 10 p.m. ET. The 2007 film is also on DVD.
Dan Klores’ documentary—which debuted at Sundance in 2007, won best documentary at the Independent Spirit Awards, and gathered several best documentary nominations—traces the obsessive, violent love affair between Burt Pugach and Linda Riss Pugach, and includes interviews with both and others.
Sundance notes that “from the late ’50s through the ’70s, New York tabloids fed on the lurid and bizarre tale of lawyer/stalker Burt Pugash and his obsession with Linda Riss, a young working-class woman whose life was forever changed by” her relationship to him.
They’re compelling characters and people; just try to start watching the film below and they—and their incredible, shocking story—will draw you in.”
even though this story happened during the 1950’s and facebook or even the internet wasn’t invented then, the story of obsessive love was still broadcasted in the newspapers. this goes to show that even though we are in an ever-evolving age of technology many people use and abuse it.

The Film’s Website:
We have found out that there is a stalker check on facebook and here is a site to find out how the application works:

however the website ( claims that the problem comes when the person that is stalking you tries to leave no trace (which is usually the case).

Monday 12 October 2009


As a group we have decided that we are taking on Wande’s idea on obsessive love.
  • DIRECTOR: Wande
  • ART DIRECTOR: Maggie
We have all worked each other in and out of Media Studies before, so we understand how each of us work.
From my previous post,
i have already started researching on what shots and angles would look appealing for our 5 minute documentary extract. Aswell, as finding what shots can be visualy pleasing to the audience, i am also using extracts of my Music Coursework, which is to compose music for a scene in a TV or Film extract. I would have to talk to Wande about how he would want the composition to wound like so i can start working on it. From filming last year, for my AS portfolio, i feel more confident to operate the camera and use the shots that will communicate with the audience better.
As a group we still need to figure out locations, but we have people in mind that we would like to interview for our documentary.

Thursday 8 October 2009


re members of the the group i’m in. i don’t know who’s idea we will be taking forward but i have seen a few styles i would like the 5 minute extract to look like.

NYLON MAGAZINE is a new york based magazine based on fashion, the arts and music. As an avid-reader myself, i pick up a copy monthly and their editorials and their articles always amaze me. Aswell as having a magazine they also have a podcast, and a youtube channel and i’ve subscribed to both. The youtube/podcast videos are mostly interviews/montages or even both with celebrities who are either on the cover or they are included in the issue. here are some examples:

i love the use of music to introduce the clip and the way that the actors and actresses are being interviewed. Instead of the handicam, which i find amateur-like when done incorrectly, i prefer the steadyshots, but with the frequent zoom-in instead, as it looks more edgier and appealing to the audience better and to me these style of shots add to a sense of realism.

i personally love the kills and i adore alison mosshart and so while seeing this (for about the 1000th time :)) i loved the way they used the shots and pieced them together in post-production along with the music, makes it more like a visual moving work of art rather than a video on youtube.


i had no idea what OFCOM was and how it ties in with TV documentaries, but i have found out that OFCOM stands for ‘Office of Communications’ and they rate programmes that are shown on the tv, which is similar how the BBFC rate movies.
 is the independent regulator and competition authority for the communication industries in the United Kingdom” from wikipedia.


Overall, his research was good and his ideas were different and they were backed up with some youtube links. He seems passionate about the street dance idea and i think the concept would work well for a documentary as street dance is a subject that isn’t really documented on. However, there was too much text and i think more visuals were needed especially for something like streetdance.
Claire had a good use of statistics to back up her idea on National Identity. The brief storyboard went well as it showed us what angles she would want to use and how it would communicate to the audience. She had good interaction with the class and she didn’t just read from the board, she explained her point throughout her presentation. However, she needed to include her target audience.
Overall she had good research and you could tell that she knew about the subject well in order to explain it the way she did. The use of youtube links were good as she showed us how she would want her interview footage to look like, and that gave me an image on how she would do it. However, she just needs to focus on one aspect of feminism and research on that so it could fit into 5 minutes, as feminism is such a broad subject.

Wednesday 7 October 2009


Overall i think that my presentation was good with research but however i needed more visuals + links and to research what OFCOM was and to put that into my presentation to show that i had a detailed understanding on a TV Documentary. My ideas needed to be more developed and focused on a particular subject from one of my themes. I could’ve communicated a better balance of speaking from the board and to my audience and considered actors and specific roles in my main idea. The use of a storyboard rather than a shot list would’ve improved my powerpoint and it would’ve communicated that i wanted to film a documentary extract from the beginning and not the middle or the end. Also it would show the idea of my TV Documentary and it would show the range of different angles i was explaining in my shot list.