Tuesday 10 November 2009


we researched what would be involved in a double page spread. here are some examples:

from NYLON's December issue (2009)
Personally, i like how the titles of each article is put out in bold and in the same font (helvetica) and its used throughout the whole magazine. Certain parts of the article are highlighted, to show importance/main points. And i like how the photos and the whole double page is structured. The white background helps the content on the page (photos, articles) stand out.

from the Metro (online e-edition)
Like the NYLON example, the font for the titles and the articles are all the same, and the columns are constructed evenly to avoid confusion to the reader. As a group we thought that the metro would be a good place to put our TV listing/double page spread because, as it is free and there is no contender because it is available in the morning rather than the evenings and everyone from teens to the elderly read the metro on the way to school or work. As this screencap shows, the metro is also available online aswell as the printed version. With the evolvement of the internet on iphone + blackberries commuters will also see our double page spread in a interactive format.

For the newspaper advertisement, a good idea was put forward in the meeting we had and that was to  to use the font (or similar) facebook uses for their logo.

with the use of the 'facebook font' or something similar it would instantly hit the reader and it would trigger the thought in their mind that this advertisement is for facebook, as the reader probably has a facebook account and therefore sees the logo and the font everyday.

The font 'Lucinda Grande' is used for the normal text:

And for the logo itself, as it is a company logo, Facebook aren't going to use a well known font such as times new roman or arial for their logo as many people can imitate that in a matter of seconds. i have found out that the font is (or similarly) looks like klavika:

klavika bold is the most accurate but i think it still would need to edited to make the letters kerned tighter to look like the facebook font itself.

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