Wednesday 28 April 2010

Year 13 Media Self Assessment of Construction

Research and planning
Name: _Franchesca__

For this next section use the research and planning mark scheme to evaluate:

What was level 4 quality (excellent)?
What was level 3 quality (proficient)?
- there is proficient research into similar products and a potential target audience.
- there is proficient organisation of actors, location, costumes or props
- there is proficient skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation

What was level 2 quality (basic)?
- there is basic work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding

What was level 1 quality (minimal)?


there should be more detail in the research and planning.

Overall, I would myself level __15___ for research and planning. (Overall, I would myself a mark of __15__ /20. )

Construction (This can be a collective mark but marks can vary for different individual effort and accomplishments)

For this next section use the construction mark scheme to evaluate:

What was level 4 quality (excellent)?
- using varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selectively and appropriately for the task set.
- holding a shot steady
What was level 3 quality (proficient)?
- selecting mise-en-scene including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting
- editing so it's apparent to the viewer
- using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set.

What was level 2 quality (basic)?

What was level 1 quality (minimal)?



Overall, I would myself level _____ for construction. (Overall, I would myself a mark of _____ /40. )

Ancillary (This can be a collective mark but marks can vary for different individual effort and accomplishments)

For this next section use the ancillary mark scheme to evaluate: (this is general but you can use the print mark scheme as guidance)

What was level 4 quality (excellent)?
- there is an excellent use of digital technology or ICT in the evaluation
- there is excellent understanding of the significance of audience feedback
What was level 3 quality (proficient)?
- there is proficient understanding of the forms and conventions used in the productions
- there is proficient understanding of the combination or main product and ancillary texts

What was level 2 quality (basic)?

What was level 1 quality (minimal)?



Ancillary 1 (ADVERT) level ______, a mark of ____/10
Ancillary 2 (DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD) level ______, a mark of ____/10

Overall, I would give myself _____/20 for the ancillaries

Evaluation (This can be a collective mark but marks can vary for different individual effort and accomplishments)

For this next section use the evaluation mark scheme to evaluate:

What was level 4 quality (excellent)?
What was level 3 quality (proficient)?

What was level 2 quality (basic)?

What was level 1 quality (minimal)?



Overall, I would myself level _____ for evaluation. (Overall, I would myself a mark of _____/20 . )

15/20 + /40 + /20 + /20 = /100
r&p con anc ev total