Wednesday 28 April 2010

Year 13 Media Self Assessment of Construction

Research and planning
Name: _Franchesca__

For this next section use the research and planning mark scheme to evaluate:

What was level 4 quality (excellent)?
What was level 3 quality (proficient)?
- there is proficient research into similar products and a potential target audience.
- there is proficient organisation of actors, location, costumes or props
- there is proficient skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation

What was level 2 quality (basic)?
- there is basic work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding

What was level 1 quality (minimal)?


there should be more detail in the research and planning.

Overall, I would myself level __15___ for research and planning. (Overall, I would myself a mark of __15__ /20. )

Construction (This can be a collective mark but marks can vary for different individual effort and accomplishments)

For this next section use the construction mark scheme to evaluate:

What was level 4 quality (excellent)?
- using varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selectively and appropriately for the task set.
- holding a shot steady
What was level 3 quality (proficient)?
- selecting mise-en-scene including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting
- editing so it's apparent to the viewer
- using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set.

What was level 2 quality (basic)?

What was level 1 quality (minimal)?



Overall, I would myself level _____ for construction. (Overall, I would myself a mark of _____ /40. )

Ancillary (This can be a collective mark but marks can vary for different individual effort and accomplishments)

For this next section use the ancillary mark scheme to evaluate: (this is general but you can use the print mark scheme as guidance)

What was level 4 quality (excellent)?
- there is an excellent use of digital technology or ICT in the evaluation
- there is excellent understanding of the significance of audience feedback
What was level 3 quality (proficient)?
- there is proficient understanding of the forms and conventions used in the productions
- there is proficient understanding of the combination or main product and ancillary texts

What was level 2 quality (basic)?

What was level 1 quality (minimal)?



Ancillary 1 (ADVERT) level ______, a mark of ____/10
Ancillary 2 (DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD) level ______, a mark of ____/10

Overall, I would give myself _____/20 for the ancillaries

Evaluation (This can be a collective mark but marks can vary for different individual effort and accomplishments)

For this next section use the evaluation mark scheme to evaluate:

What was level 4 quality (excellent)?
What was level 3 quality (proficient)?

What was level 2 quality (basic)?

What was level 1 quality (minimal)?



Overall, I would myself level _____ for evaluation. (Overall, I would myself a mark of _____/20 . )

15/20 + /40 + /20 + /20 = /100
r&p con anc ev total

Saturday 27 March 2010


we have decided that the metro would be the ideal newspaper to put our advert for our documentary in. As it's a free newspaper, many people on the way to work or school consume it's latest news. Because so many people read the metro everyday, this would help publicise our documentary.

here are some examples of adverts from the metro:

Friday 19 March 2010





Wednesday 17 March 2010

Tuesday 19 January 2010


we are re-filming certain parts of our documentary to make the documentary as a whole flow better.

we are keeping our timelapse introduction but before it our presenter, claire will introduce herself and tell us what the documentary is about.

tim's part and my part will be linked together instead of two separate parts. we will show tim walking into his house, so this won't confuse the audience.

the interviews at carnaby street need to be re-filmed anyway, more steady shots and more people need to be asked.

kat's interview (our case study) needs to be re-filmed, experimenting with more angles and also we need to film some visual footage of her at home so therefore we can edit and overlap the audio of her interview with the visual.